Sunday, September 30, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
To Stay Or Not To Stay?

Dear All,
First of all, please accept my heartiest Greetings on the holy month of Ramadan.
Secondly, I'm looking for opinions, an american friend of mine was wondering. The war in Iraq is always a big topic in the news there especially with the election next year. And he wants to know how do Kuwaitis feel about the war? Do we want the US to stay or leave? Are we afraid of what could happen to Kuwait if the US leaves? Are we afraid the violence could spill over to Kuwait?
In my opinion and from what I am aware of at this point there are mixed feelings regarding this issue from many people, most people think that the americans should just leave, as they arent doing any good, and they've been there for ages, the whole point of being there is to make a difference for the better and they arent, plus they are losing alot of soldiers over a cause that would not be resolved in a LONG while.
Your thoughts on this anyone?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
How to Annoy People

Dear All,
So I passed by hubbys office today bc I had to get a few things done with one of the laptops(hubbys in IT). I was sitting at his desk facing his PC and I couldnt help but notice his boss's instant messages.....he wouldn't quit messaging it was sooo annoying!Did it EVER occur to him that hubbys working on something else?! Dammit!!! Heres what I mean:
Boss: dude, got time now yet?
Boss: u there dude?
Hubby: back
Hubby: sorry
Hubby:let's test xxxxxkwt?
Hubby: i put in full week 2 now
Hubby: want to do a full backup test?
Boss:well,lets do incremental first with another tape cartridge...
Boss: if it is still failing then insert clearning tape cartridge
Hubby: i dont have one :D
Boss: come on...
Boss:i mentioned that to you last time
Boss: hello?
Boss: u there?
Boss: u there?
Hubby: yeah the problem is when we asked for the cleaning tapes too they're held up..along with xxxx's tape drive & other things..our supply chain isn't up to standards here
Boss: so hmmm...
Boss: do you have incremental week
Boss: so hmmm...
Boss: do you have incremental week
Hubby: yep hang on lemme find it
Boss:hey you know djisan kho
Boss: ?
Hubby:check srv002
Hubby: nope never met him
Boss: that guy was asking abt his access problem (xxxxxkwt\operations folder) but it is already there
Boss: rather than i call him international, can you help check with him?
Boss: whenever you get a chance
Boss: he has been sending e-mails...
Hubby: ok --->That was ME actually answering hubby was still tied up with something else
Boss: im running incremental now
Boss: dude, see, xxxkwt incremental worked now
Boss: completed successfully
Boss:hey you know djisan kho
Boss: ?
Hubby:check srv002
Hubby: nope never met him
Boss: that guy was asking abt his access problem (xxxxxkwt\operations folder) but it is already there
Boss: rather than i call him international, can you help check with him?
Boss: whenever you get a chance
Boss: he has been sending e-mails...
Hubby: ok --->That was ME actually answering hubby was still tied up with something else
Boss: im running incremental now
Boss: dude, see, xxxkwt incremental worked now
Boss: completed successfully
Boss: so this means you now only have 9 tape cartridges for xxxxkwt
Boss: throw away that incremental week 1 bad cartridge...
Boss: discard properly...
Boss: it contains user data there....
Boss :hello, u there? (Princesita:*bangs head on keyboard*)
Hubby: yeah im here watching the screen while working on another pc
Hubby: i will put it thru the shredder no worries ;)
Boss: do you have full week 2 to be inserted?
Boss do you have full week 2 to be inserted?
Hubby: yes i do
Hubby: hang on
Boss: done yet?
Boss: sorry, let's get this out of our way..
Boss: u there, dude?
Boss: u there, dude?(Princesita:*"AAGGHHHHH!"*)
Boss: throw away that incremental week 1 bad cartridge...
Boss: discard properly...
Boss: it contains user data there....
Boss :hello, u there? (Princesita:*bangs head on keyboard*)
Hubby: yeah im here watching the screen while working on another pc
Hubby: i will put it thru the shredder no worries ;)
Boss: do you have full week 2 to be inserted?
Boss do you have full week 2 to be inserted?
Hubby: yes i do
Hubby: hang on
Boss: done yet?
Boss: sorry, let's get this out of our way..
Boss: u there, dude?
Boss: u there, dude?(Princesita:*"AAGGHHHHH!"*)
And its goes on, the rambling, the repitition.....God I feel sorry for him sometimes that he has to deal with such incompetent, impatient and intolerant people like that.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Educate Yourself

Dear All,
I'm so sick and tired of hearing the whole "Abayyy waiii3 you have a cat tara mo zain for you if you get pregnant and blah blah and crap".....Please find below some FACTS regarding cats and pregnant women and stop being such stupid and ignorant farts.
Cats and Pregnant Women
By Marcella Durand for Cat Facts
"Congratulations!" says your doctor, "You're pregnant." It's happy news. But then the doctor asks if you have a cat, and tells you solemnly not to scoop the litter box. Doctors understandably like to play it safe, but it's not necessary to overreact, especially when it comes to your cat and your health during pregnancy. Cats and pregnant women can co-exist safely -- and have been doing so for thousands of years.
The concern, small though it is, regards a parasite called toxoplasma gondii, which can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis. Cats are one of the hosts that can carry and pass this parasite to humans through infectious cysts shed in their stool. While toxoplasmosis generally causes mild flu-like symptoms in humans that resolve on their own in a few days, it is very dangerous to fetuses in the first trimester of pregnancy.
However, that said, toxoplasmosis is only infectious under extremely particular -- and unlikely -- circumstances. "A lot of things have to happen," says Drew Weigner, DVM, a board-certified feline specialist. "A cat has to get a recent infection, it has to be shedding the cysts, the stool has to have been in the litter box for more than 24 hours, you'd have to get some of the stool in your mouth or eye, and you'd have to be in your first trimester -- all of those things would have to happen."
Cats shed toxoplasma cysts (the egg stage) in their feces three to 10 days after eating infected tissues. They will shed the cysts for up to 14 days, and afterward it is unlikely that they will ever shed them again -- even after repeated exposure. So only a recent infection is contagious. In order to get a recent infection, your cat would have to have eaten an infected mouse, which can only happen if your cat hunts outdoors or if you have a current rodent infestation -- which, as Weigner points out, generally doesn't if there is indeed a cat living in your house.
"Indoor cats that do not hunt have virtually no risk of infection," says Elaine Wexler-Mitchell, DVM, ABVP diplomate in feline practice at The Cat Care Clinic in Orange, California. No risk, that is, unless they are on a raw food diet. That's because the parasite is transmissible to both cats and humans through raw or undercooked meat. In fact, your chances of contracting toxoplasmosis are much, much greater by handling raw meat or gardening in infected soil than by getting it from your cat.
Even if your cat does go outside or has caught a mouse recently, there's still no need to worry. The cysts do not become infectious to other animals and humans until one to four days have passed. So if you scoop the litter box promptly, you've avoided the problem.
To be extra safe, Weigner suggests having someone else scoop and change the litter for you. He suggests single mothers wear gloves and use litter box liners -- that minimizes the risk of missing any stool hiding under the litter or on the side of the box. Wearing a mask while changing the litter isn't necessary, as the cyst is too heavy to stay airborne for long. During the first trimester, if there is no one else to take over litter box duties, "I wouldn't scoop the litter every 24 hours; I would change it every 24 hours," Weigner says.
And remember, even if you get a microscopic cyst on your hand, you'd have to touch your mouth or your eye without washing your hands to become infected. Who doesn't wash their hands after scooping the litter box? "Really, the bottom line, if you have a cat, whether it goes outside or not, is get someone else to change the litter box, wash your hands after you pet your cat, and don't worry about it after the first few months anyway," says Weigner.
"Cats and pregnant moms can peacefully co-exist," he says.. You always have to follow your obstetrician's advice -- unless they advise you to get rid of your cat. If they say that, then they don't know about toxoplasmosis and that means they're out of date."